The bad news: we can't ALL move to Canada if Trump wins.

The good news: we can face whatever is coming together.

The Antidote will help you build resilience in your body long before November election results arrive.

 Join Now

If you'd rather not face this election season alone with your phone, you're in the right place.

We aren't avoiding the news -- but we aren't succumbing to its Powers of Utter Despair and Infinite Doomscrolling, either.

The Antidote is a space for your soul to take a breath.

We're laying the groundwork to meet whatever happens in November as deeply resourced humans with full access to our bodies and our power.

Think of The Antidote as a recharging station for your soul. ⛽️ ⚡️

Women have been trained to try HARDER and do MORE with LESS for centuries.

And when women are exhausted...? We try EVEN HARDER. 😫

That's why we -- Sara, Emily, and Kristen -- want to help you build the habit of refueling regularly. This dedicated time to connect with your body and your deeper wisdom PUTS FUEL IN THE TANK.

The Antidote is the most practical support you can offer yourself for Election Season.

Our monthly gatherings feature favorite practices from years of somatic trainings and certifications.

🔥 We prioritize the practical. This isn't a wispy, let's-just-good-vibes-it-away space! You will leave each gathering with simple and effective tools to help you build resiliency.

The effects of fueling up together are cumulative.

The more you practice returning to your body, breath, and being in our presence, the easier it becomes to access those skills when 💩 hits the fan.

🔥 We aren't afraid of your Big Feelings. Bring everything you're too afraid to look at to our gatherings. We'll see to all those feels AND raise you the wonder of the universe.

At the same time, we won’t push you to feel anything you’re not ready to face. We'll support you in moving at the pace that’s right for you.

🔥 We're not into Should's, Shame, or More Shit for your To-do List. The Antidote is a homework-free arrangement. Your presence is all that's needed to enjoy our time together!

During the Antidote, we will be tapping into the big and deep: God, Goddess, The Good, the spiritual, the universe.

We don't care what you call it. We care that you are willing to experience it with us.

Since this election season is a collective experience...let's do it together.

Our monthly gatherings will help you...

⚡️ Soothe the parts of your being that are just plain FREAKING OUT right now.

⚡️ Expand your capacity to feel your feelings instead of staying in the BRACE FOR IMPACT position until 2025.

⚡️ Lay the groundwork for effective action by fueling up first.

⚡️ Tend to lingering burnout from the past four years of Covid and crises.

⚡️ Use our collective energy to destruct harmful old patterns.

⚡️ Remember what we know in our bones: that we can do this. No matter what happens.

We are Sara, Emily, and Kristen.

We have a combined 70 YEARS of teaching experience.

Sara Arey

Sara Arey

Sara Arey specializes in guiding women who feel stuck and unsatisfied to unlock their inner wisdom and create their richest, juiciest, most rewarding lives.

She facilitates the discovery of women's resilience, creativity, passion, courage and gentleness. Her clients learn to give from their overflow, rather than from their depletion.

Sara is also the author of the internationally best-selling book The Universe F*cking Loves Me, as well as a speaker and energy mentor.

Dr. Emily Jaworski-Koriath

Dr. Emily Jaworski-Koriath is a world class vocal performer, teacher, and trauma resolution magician.

Her latest book, Trauma and the Voice, explores practical ways that singing teachers can adapt the principles of trauma-informed care while maintaining ethical boundaries.

Kristen Kalp

Kristen Kalp is a teacher and healer who helps people create lives of meaning.

  She facilitates long-lasting change with the help of simple techniques, gentle presence, and laughter; has published a bunch of books as both an author and a ghostwriter; has been living with and learning from chronic depression for 23 years; and has enjoyed speaking gigs, retreats, and workshops in 17 cities and in 6 countries around the world. 

Standing ovations are her favorite drug.

Just to say the quiet part out loud:

the 3 of us would NOT have survived a witch hunt.

We are unapologetic students of power, pleasure, and the body.

...which means you can call us whichever word you want to use that historically started with accusations and ended with burning at the stake.

Whatever your lineage, you doubtless had ancestors who faced incredible amounts of loss and pain, yet delighted in the vitality of life itself. Who gathered to support each other on life's rocky ground.

Let's join them.

✔️ 5 Live events

✔️ 5 magical recordings

✔️ Practical, body-based coping tools

Privacy, access to Zoom, and a willingness to play are all that's needed to attend!

Each live event takes place from 5-6:30 pm ET on Zoom.

  • Recordings of our first 5 gatherings delivered to your inbox at checkout
  • August 6 gathering
  • September 3 gathering
  • October 1 gathering
  • November 5 gathering
  • Post-results gathering - TBD - we'll meet for the last time when the U.S. has final election results.



You're going to self-care yourself out of this 2024 shit!

That looks like:

  • Doomscrolling for 1 to 9 hours a day
  • Trying HARDER to take meaningful action on an empty tank ⛽️
  • 🍷.
  • Working HARDER at self improvement via journaling, working out, self-coaching, and mindset work
  • 🚿😭😭😭 Taking a (luxurious) bath or shower to cry where no one can hear you
  • 🍪 Consuming sugar and carbs to stop the ache in your ❤️
  • 📣 Shouting into the void IRL and/or on social media
  • 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷

$0 (but also quite despair-y)


You're going to build resiliency in your body and get fueled up for action with a group of gorgeous souls.

Attend monthly gatherings to:

  • 🫀Practice ways of being that honor your body and its experiences
  • 🐋 Deepen your intuition and fill your well
  • 🥰 Bathe in the collective energy we create (HINT it's rich and deep and easy and joyful af)
  • Care for your emotions and let go of 💩 that's weighing you down
  • 🎢 Laugh your ass off with everyone else -- 2024 is a wild ride!

$74.25/mo for 4 months or 297 USD

Join Now

Wanna listen in on our first gathering?

Pop your email in the box and we'll send you the recording of our March gathering!

    You'll receive an email from Kristen Kalp with the link when you join. You can unsubscribe at any time.


    😳 Okay buuuuttttt...

    How do I know this is for me?


    ☀️ identify as a woman

    ☀️ are open-minded about the spiritual aspects of this experience

    ☀️ want to cultivate resiliency in your body before it's ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY

    How much does it cost?

    10 gatherings and their recordings are yours for 297 USD.

    ...though we think not feeling isolated and powerless for the remainder of 2024 is actually PRICELESS.

    I hate politics and do NOT want to talk about this shit because it's too upsetting.

    Understood! This shit IS upsetting. And it will be even MORE upsetting if we pretend it's not happening until November.

    We will not be debating issues or telling you to call your senators.

    We will be increasing access to your body and deepest knowing so that your actions come from the fullest expression of your power. Not your fear.

    How much do I have to participate?

    We’d love to have you on each of the live calls (with your camera on or off). AND you can join The Antidote just for the recordings, if you'd like!

    Does my location matter?

    Not if you can access Zoom from wherever you are!

    Our gatherings take place at 5pm ET, so please check your time zone before signing up if you wish to attend live.

    What if I'm...terrified?

    OF COURSE you're terrified. World events are objectively terrifying. We invite you to discern 'global authoritarian threat' terror from 'feeling your feelings' or 'trying new things' terror.

    We're offering tools and opportunities to try on new ways of being without any pushing or should-ing. This is NOT some kind of spiritual CrossFit that's trying to fuck you up.

    It IS a golden opportunity to grow and transform.

    What about religion?

    We're creating a dogma-free place to help you connect with your body, breath, and being.

    All faith traditions and lineages are welcome in this group. Simply take what works and leave the rest.

    ALL of you is welcome in The Antidote.

    We're aware that Trump's re-election isn't the only challenge you're facing in 2024.

    PLEASE bring every struggle that takes you out of your body (and therefore your power) to the table. Big, small, old, new, personal, political -- it's all welcome.

    We do not discriminate. There is no hierarchy of pain.

    The Antidote is for increasing your ability to be present and resilient in the face of all 2024's bullshit -- without silencing yourself, shutting down, or eating 3 pints of Ben and Jerry's before bed.

    Let's grow more resilient together.

    Join Now